Chauvin Blog
Friday, February 16, 2007
I'm tired MOM!!
I was writing a paper not to long ago, and Bryce was playing with his cars in the chair next to me. I realized how quite it was and looked down to investigate. I found Bryce asleep on the chair!! I went to move him to the couch thinking he would be more comfortable, but he got mad and ran back to the the chair and feel right back to sleep! Once again, I couldnt help but take pictures!!
Wrong Color MOM!!
So Bryce is officially into his terrible two's. The other day, I gave him his milk in a green cup instead of his desired blue cup. He proceeded to through a 45 min. tantrum which included him hiding in the fridge. I think the thinking behind that was he wanted to be by the milk, or at least that is what he told me. Here are some pictures I couldn't help but take!